Naturopathic Osteopathy involves two complementary disciplines—naturopathy and osteopathy—used in combination for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide-range of acute/chronic musculoskeletal and general disorders.
Treatment involves osteopathic manipulative techniques, naturopathic tonic treatment and muscle balancing. The Classical naturopathic techniques and procedures used to balance internal systems include detoxification, therapeutic hydration, plant-based nutrition, juicing, fasting, hydrotherapy, exercise and breathing therapy.
The aim of this uniquely wholistic form of drug-free primary care medicine is to identify causes, to try to restore health and to maintain wellness. This involves rebalancing the workings of the outer and inner body—which are of course all connected—taking personal lifestyle, social and environmental factors into account. Uniquely wholistic and preventive, naturopathic osteopathy can be effective in the recovery of many health problems and can also contribute to maintaining wellness.